Drink Diet for 7 Days - Losing Weight on a Drinking Diet is Easy!


Losing weight on a liquid diet is easy and simple! It can be classified as a fast acting diet. But among those techniques that give a quick result, it is considered the most effective and useful. If all the requirements of the diet are met, you can say goodbye to 1. 5 kg of weight per day. And if you eat right after the diet, the return to the previous weight is not threatened.

Features of the scheme. What can you drink while on a diet?

The main ingredient in a liquid diet is water. All dishes included in the diet for weight loss should be watery, soft and pasty in consistency. Doctors fully justify this method of weight loss. And it is quite often prescribed to obese patients. An amazing result comes quickly: after 5 days, up to 10 kg of weight will disappear.

The diet of a liquid diet consists of various grains: oatmeal, buckwheat, cooked in water, as well as vegetable and dairy soups, vegetables and fruits, and fermented dairy products.

Slimming mechanism

Still water is the main advantage of the technique. Its abundance of food allows you to quickly satisfy hunger. You can drink lots of water and get 0 calories back. Great - isn't it? Since the food on the water contains enough water, the effect of satiety is achieved quickly.

Due to its soft consistency, these foods are perfectly digested by the body, making it impossible to accumulate fat. In addition, with proper digestion, the metabolism is activated, which contributes to weight loss at an accelerated rate.

drinking water to lose weight

The main problem with weight loss is dehydration. Anyone who adheres to a liquid diet does not face such a process. Due to the constant use of water and watery food, the body maintains a water balance. This tends to translate into well-being during the diet and rapid weight loss.

Dietetic foods

During a liquid diet, the total volume of food consumed should not exceed one glass. Therefore, you can diversify your menu, but keep track of the amount of food. For breakfast, you can eat oatmeal, drinkable yogurt, milk, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese.

At lunchtime, soups and vegetable broths will benefit the body. In addition, cabbage soup, borscht and beetroot soup are especially welcome. For those who love dairy products, you can cook dairy soups with buckwheat.

In order not to overload the stomach, dinner should be light. Moreover, in a half-starved state, it will burn fat faster even when the body is asleep. Therefore, in the evening they are limited to a glass of kefir or an apple.

How to Prepare for a Drinking Diet

Under no circumstances should you suddenly switch to liquid foods. After all, it is a stress for the body, which then can "backfire" against various diseases. Therefore, before you start to adhere to a diet, it is necessary to prepare the body in advance.

To do this, in 6-10 days, you need to gradually reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200 kcal. At the same time, liquid dishes should be part of your diet. And the more, the better.

It is also important during this time to start observing the drinking regimen. You should drink up to 1. 5 liters of purified water per day. Nothing can replace it.

Very important!

It is necessary to follow such a diet for a maximum of 10 days. Since a liquid diet involves abstaining from certain foods, it is best to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor.

a glass of water to lose weight

Diet menu to drink

Anyone who loses weight composes the diet of the diet independently, depending on their demands and preferences.

The only condition is the use of liquid mashed soups throughout the day to maintain the satiety of the body and enrich it with vitamins and microelements.

Water - 1, 5 liters. in its purest form.

Several healthy soup options for lunch:

Mashed vegetable soup with potatoes, carrots and cauliflower

Cut the vegetables into cubes, cook in chicken broth without adding salt and other spices. After removing from heat, let cool, then grind everything in a blender and use. It is desirable that the soup is not thick, so much more liquid is needed than the other ingredients. You can add half a head of onion and herbs to the soup.

Vegetable puree soup with turnips and herbs

To prepare the soup you need 50 g of carrots, onions, 70 g of potatoes and turnips, greens and a glass of skimmed milk. Finely chop all the ingredients, boil in broth, strain through a sieve or grind in a blender. The soup is ready.

Oil, spices, spices, sauces are totally excluded!

Exit from the diet should be gentle, slow and careful.

It is forbidden to attack solid foods, you may have trouble with the digestive system. Therefore, we reasonably distribute the dishes and compose the menu. Little by little, we are introducing carbohydrates, fats and proteins. We are monitoring the state of health. At the slightest exacerbation, we consult a doctor!

weighing in during a drinking regimen


Like any diet, a drinking diet has contraindications, in the presence of which its observance becomes impossible, because it can be very harmful to the organism.

These contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • liver pathology;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the kidneys;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.

Diet for 7 days: recommendations

  • During the diet, we monitor the stool, it should be daily and not too watery.
  • The diet should not be followed more than once a year, this will be enough to cleanse the intestines of toxins and harmful substances.
  • During the diet, it is possible to observe many side effects, which may not entirely favorably affect the functionality of many organs. Therefore, a consultation with a specialist should follow before such a weight loss system. Watch your symptoms, if it gets really bad - have mercy on yourself and take a step back from the diet. This means that this technique will not be for you! Try another weight loss system, luckily there is room for the imagination and fantasies today.
  • You must take a multivitamin and mineral complex!
  • After the end of any drinking regimen, there is a return to the usual diet, which should be done with special care.
  • Alcohol is not recommended because it interferes with the cleansing process of your body.

Lose weight correctly, let a nutritionist provide you with all the necessary recommendations, always pay attention to your health!

diet for weight loss

Benefits of a drinking diet

Drinking on a diet is great for cleansing your body and shedding extra pounds because you won't go hungry because your stomach will be constantly filled with fluid, but without harmful calories. During the first period of the diet, all organs are completely cleansed. You may experience slight discomfort in your kidneys and liver. In the last days of the diet, there will be a cleansing at the cellular level.

Drinking a diet gives amazing results. In a few weeks, you can get rid of 10 to 20 kg! In addition to actively losing weight and reducing overall volumes, this diet also has other positive characteristics. These include:

  • complete cleansing of the body of toxic substances;
  • restoration of intestinal flora and normalization of its work;
  • a decrease in the volume of the stomach, after which saturation occurs after eating a small amount of food;
  • reduce the main load on the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of additional energy, which was previously consumed by the body for the digestion of solid food;
  • improvement in general well-being, the appearance of a feeling of lightness and vigor (occurs on the 7-9th day of joining the diet);
  • the ability to independently compose your diet, alternating between different foods.

However, it should be noted that in the latter case, food can only be consumed in liquid form. For example, in the form of soups (including dairy products), mashed potatoes or juice.

Disadvantages of the diet

Drinking a diet has not only advantages but also disadvantages. And there are also many. First, the first time there is always a desire to chew something. There is a feeling of intense hunger. However, in this case, for the most part, it is a psychological issue.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goal with this diet, you need to prepare in advance in a positive way. In addition, the rapid weight loss will certainly delight you. You only need to hold on for a few days, after which your body will quickly adapt to the new conditions and the discomfort will go away.

Second, only perfectly healthy people can adhere to a diet (contraindications have already been mentioned above). Third, there can be "side effects" during a diet, such as fatigue, listlessness, physical and mental weakness.

Fourth, most people on this diet lack vitamins and minerals, which leads to deterioration in the condition of hair, nails and skin. However, this can be easily avoided by simply taking special vitamin complexes from the first day of the diet, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without any problems.

And another disadvantage of a diet is the need to observe a special way out. At the end of the diet, solid foods should not be suddenly introduced into the diet. The point is, your digestive tract will suffer greatly. It will not be able to digest coarse food during this time.

And in addition, if you immediately resume your usual diet and eat a lot, the weight can easily come back, which will lead to the need to follow the diet again. And you can only stick to it once a year.

Hollywood diet

One of the options for a drinking diet is the so-called Hollywood diet. It is designed for one to three days. In fact, these are days of "liquid" fasting on juices and vitamins. At the same time, it is very important to choose the juices so that they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Perfect for those special ready-to-use blends including superfoods, vitamins and essential oils for effective fat burning. The complex detoxifies the body, detoxifies and helps in weight loss. Such a day can be spent from time to time consolidating the result of a drinking regimen or getting into the diet.

The concentrate can be purchased in packs for one or two days. The concentrate is mixed with water in a one-to-one ratio. It is taken during the day in four doses.

Get out of the diet

The exit from the alcohol consumption regime should be gradual. Only one solid product per day can be introduced into the diet. For the first 9-10 days, your menu should be dominated by liquid dishes, to which solid foods are added. For example, you can choose not to cut the potatoes in your soup or eat them with a small slice of brown bread.

Then you can enter the diet of small pieces of boiled meat or fish, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. And at night it is recommended to eat only liquid food, for example, oatmeal jelly or kefir.

If you gradually expand your diet, quitting the diet will happen with minimal health risks. At the same time, it is very important to observe the reaction of the body to "innovations".

If at the end of the diet you have problems with digestion, be sure to contact a specialist and have a full examination. Remember that repeated adherence to this diet is possible only after the body has fully recovered, that is, after 10-12 months.

To consolidate the result after a diet, you can try diet pills, which, according to the method of exposure to the human body, are divided into the following groups:

  • Fat-burning pills, such as thyroid hormones, which speed up metabolism, increase heart rate, and cause fever.
  • Means with laxative and diuretic effect.
  • Medicines that reduce appetite (appetite suppressants).
  • Tablets containing microcellulose, which create a satiety effect by swelling them in the stomach.
  • Calorie blockers. These drugs are of two types: carbohydrate blockers and fat blockers.
  • Mineral and vitamin food supplements that support activity.

Before trying any pill, be sure to consult your doctor.

Drinking diet: advice, feedback and results

A 32-year-old woman writes:

"The first five days were very difficult, fatigue, listlessness, refusal to do something, increased nervousness, abdominal discomfort, etc. But there was no particular feeling of hunger, I drank enough liquid, cooked broths for lunch, so that the stomach was full. After everything worked out, there was lightness and lightness, well I just wanted to fly. In one week, I lost 8 kg, it was very good. Now I am slowly and surely getting off the diet. "

Nutritionists advise not to get carried away with such a diet, it is very strict and hard, there are a lot of restrictions and inadmissibility. And in order to facilitate the first days of the watering system for weight loss, first you need to prepare the body for a diet, reducing the amount of solid food eaten.

People with hypertension, edema, heart or kidney failure can not even think of such a diet, the same is true of pregnant and breastfeeding women.


The alcohol diet is a kind of system focused on cleansing the body and losing weight. Diet slogans can be worded as follows: when we are thirsty we drink, when we are hungry we drink too. The diet of this diet excludes the chewing reflex, and if you nevertheless decide to keep this diet, you should understand that in 1 to 15 days you only have to drink, even all vegetables and fruits should be transferredin a liquid state and drunk like juice. Liquid food is not a hunger strike, you are simply replacing solid food with liquid food. Many recipes for broths and mashed soups are very tasty and healthy for the body, especially during a diet.

Any similar diet, including a kefir diet, means rest for the gastrointestinal tract, this is due to the fact that solid foods are excluded from the diet. This diet will not be characterized by sudden weight loss, elimination of the feeling of heaviness in the digestive tract, overload and other symptoms.

For the effectiveness of this method, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food previously eaten in order to effectively lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful toxins. Absolute refusal to eat is impossible, so we can increase the amount of fluids. If your desire is to lose weight, reduce the size of the stomach, get rid of harmful substances, then any diet, including kefir, milk is the best option for the proper functioning of internal organs, includingincluding the liver, kidneys, heart and respiratory system.